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... Tired of getting “stuck” while writing your novel?
“Secret” Outlining Technique Overcomes Writer’s Block and Improves Creativity So You Can Finally Write Your Best-Selling Novel
This step-by-step writing technique helps you quickly write novels audiences love, making your dreams of living the writer’s life possible...
Hey, my name is ______________, and I recently I read a case study from Russell Brunson, showing how he was able to take one of his marketing funnels that was working so poorly, he literally was about to shut off the hosting, and walk away from it forever...

But, in almost a moment of desperation, he decided to try something crazy - and within 30 days, this funnel had done over $100k in sales...

Within 60 days over $300k...

And within 90 days, they passed the $500k a month mark!

I thought this casestudy was really cool, and that you'd probably like it a lot, so I go permission to post this casestudy here for you to read. I hope you enjoy!
CASESTUDY: How We Took 1 Dead Funnel, Made A Few Simple Tweaks, And Turned It Into A $500k Per Month Powerhouse Almost Overnight...
Dear Aspiring Novelist,
Novelists who can publish great stories for their fans quickly find their popularity rising, making every future book an instant best seller. This is true for both the traditional publishing industry as well as the burgeoning (and highly profitable) self-publishing world.
With so many ways to reach an audience, it’s never been easier for anyone to build a fanbase through writing novels.
But, as every writer knows, writing is hard. You have to wait until inspiration strikes, then furiously write as much as possible before that inspiration disappears… and your dreams of publishing a popular novel vanish…
Not until long ago, this is what I believed, too.
Now, I’ve learned there’s a better way to write a compelling story… one that draws audiences in and makes them crave your next sequel… turning me from an aspiring novelist just like you into a best-selling writer.
Best of all, this technique allows me to write better stories much faster than ever before. This means I finally have the time to submit stories to publishers in all kinds of genres: fantasy, sci-fi, general fiction, detective, historical fiction, horror, mystery, romance… the list goes on.
Writing so many novels has allowed me to build up a following with multiple pen-names and finally live the “writer’s life,” supporting myself simply through writing.
I don’t mean to brag, but it’s really a dream come true!
Now that I know how to make this possible, I can’t believe how simple it is.
In fact, I’m shocked at how I didn’t realize the “old” way of writing novels wasn’t working sooner.
Want to know what this technique is and how you can use it, too?
The way I stumbled upon this technique is actually a funny story. I’ll share it in a minute; but first, let’s chat about how most people think bestselling novels are written.
When you read the word “novelist,” what kind of person do you picture? Do you imagine someone who disappears from society for a weekend, month, or year at a time to let the muse strike? Someone who engages in creative activities until the idea for their next novel suddenly appears before them?
Because of the movies, books, television, and other media I’d consumed, that’s how I saw novelists. A great novel simply has to be “let out” of a writer, right?
How wrong I was!
As I learned, there’s a proven, practical technique virtually every successful writer uses. Whether it’s a novel, screenplay, television episode, or any other kind of story, taking the time to start with this technique makes the story better.
And when the story’s better, your audience will love it more. They’ll tell their friends about it, they’ll leave great reviews, and more people will find your work.
When you learn the details of this technique, you’ll be able to produce the kind of writing that wins fans and leaves your audience satisfied… all without being paralyzed by a blank page.
"Writing a Great Novel Doesn’t Mean Waiting for Inspiration to Strike… It’s About Knowing How To Prepare"
If you’re like me, you’re constantly taking notes and thinking up ideas for your novel. I carry around a notebook in my pocket, and I’m always scribbling away on escalators, in lines, or even at the movies like a madman.
Sound familiar?
Then you might also understand my frustration when I sat down at my computer to write, notes in hand, only to feel “stuck”. I was unable to produce a single word I liked, even though I had pages and pages of notes.
Writer’s block? More like writer’s rage!
After speaking with friends in my creative writing groups, I found I wasn’t alone in my frustrations. Other writers from my workshops had experienced the same thing.
No matter how many little thoughts we’d taken the time to jot down, there would invariably come a time when we’d get stuck. The writers who tried to “force” their way through these moments sometimes ended up with boring, unbelievable stories that made readers find something else to read.
It wasn’t until I spoke to a mentor – an accomplished novelist – that I learned what I (and many other writers) were doing wrong.
“Your problem isn’t that you’re a bad writer,” my mentor explained, “Nor is it that you don’t have a great story. Instead, you simply haven’t been given the right tools to write well.”
When I asked what he meant, my mentor pulled out a piece of paper and had me write three things: Where my story started, where it ended, and what happened in the middle.
“There’s your story,” he said. “Now you know what to write.”
“Writing an outline? Isn’t that what I have to do for boring homework essays?” I said. “Seems like a lot of work I have to do BEFORE I start the real work of working on my novel.”
“If that’s what you think, then you haven’t been taught how to outline properly,” replied my mentor. “Outline isn’t restrictive, boring, or too much work – if you’re doing it properly, that is. In fact, outlining the right way actually fuels your creativity.”
I was blown away. By writing a simple outline, I always had a road map for my novel. Now, if I ever got stuck, I could refer to this outline and keep writing.
I thanked my mentor. “This solves everything!” I said.
“Hold on, there,” my mentor replied. “This isn’t the end of your solution; in fact, it’s just the beginning. There’s a lot more to know about writing killer outline for your novel than simply deciding where you want to end.”
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“Well,” he said, “what if you want to surprise your audience or even yourself while you’re writing your novel? How would you write your story if you didn’t want to plan the ending too far in advance?”
“Wow, I’d never thought of that…”
“And how do you know if the actions your characters take to get you to that ending are interesting? How do you integrate specifics about your characters to make them memorable? And how will you integrate spontaneity or surprise?”
At this point, I felt stumped. Just a moment before, I thought I’d learned everything I needed to know about writing my novel. Now I realized there was so much more to outlining than having an ending in mind.
“Okay, you’ve got me. Can you show me what I need to know to write a great novel?”
Over the next several months and years, my mentor helped me study all about outlining a novel. I analyzed the structure of many famous novels, I read interviews with high-profile novelists, and I practiced writing myself to find what techniques would actually work (and which ones weren’t worth the paper they were printed on).
Finally, after thousands of hours spent studying, I’d learned how to properly outline a novel. Not only that, I’d developed a method to share this knowledge with other aspiring novelists so they could benefit from my research.
“This is fantastic!” one of fellow workshop members said when I showed her my guide. “I’ve been stuck with one of my novels for over a year, and now I know exactly what that character needs to do. It’s unreal.”
Every other writer who saw my guide reacted in a similar way. No matter what genre, no matter how long the novel was, the information in my guide helped these writers overcome their writer’s block and finish their novels quickly. This let them get to publishing their novel much faster.
Even novelists who had already completed their books loved it.
“Thank you so much for letting me see your guide!” another writing friend sent me in an email. “I always felt like my novel was missing something, and now I know exactly what I can do to really spice it up.”
Finally, I’d learned how to write novels in a way that worked for nearly every type of writer. I’d stopped experiencing writer’s block and was well on my way to publishing my next best-seller.
So why am I sharing this with you?

"Stop Experiencing “Blank Page” Paralysis and Overcome Writer’s Block"
I know how intimidating a blank screen can feel.
Most of the time, when I couldn't think of an idea, I would think of other chores or distractions that needed my “urgent” attention. The cat needed food. I needed to check my email. I would even rather take out the trash than face an empty page!
Of course, these are classic signs of writer’s block. For me, the biggest cause of writer’s block – and the thing preventing me from finishing my novel – was simply not knowing what to write next.
Once I learned the technique for outlining a great novel, my fears and anxieties about writer’s block went away. That’s because I had a great big list of characters, themes, variables, details, detours, traits, and more to bring my story to life.
I used to think great writers don't need to plan ahead. What I learned through difficult trial and error, however, was there's a smarter way to write. In fact, nearly all great writers – such as J.K. Rowling, William Faulkner, Sylvia Plath, Orson Scott Card, and many others – use this method.
Once I started embracing this technique, I started to fly through my novel. I got the first draft completed in less time than I imagined. After that, revising was a breeze.
Of course, that's not to say writing my novel didn't take any work. The fact is, I had to sit and type every single word of my novel at some point. But this technique let me know exactly what to type, preventing hours of frustration.
With the information in this course, you’ll finally be able to know your story is full of engaging, interesting characters and scenarios that audiences will enjoy reading, even before you’ve “written” a single word.
That confidence can help you go from aspiring novelist to published success sooner than you’d think.
And now I’m going to share every detail with you.

"You Can Finally Pursue Your Life As A Published Novelist, Tell Better Stories, And Make Your Audience Love You"
I’ve been where you are before. Feeling creatively frustrated. Wanting to get my story out, but now knowing how. Needing to take a boring day job because no one wanted to read my work… and feeling terrible about myself because of it.

I want to share with you the secret to my success so you can pursue your dream of becoming a novelist, without getting “stuck” or worrying if your final product isn’t going to be any good (and not worth submitting to publishers).
What I’m sharing with you today is a full course on outlining your next novel.
This is my own personal process that I refined over several years, working with other novelists, mentors, and readers to “test” and make it more useful to anyone wanting to write a novel.

This is the “secret” behind writing a bestselling novel I had to learn for myself, and now I’m giving it to you. I was fortunate enough to work with mentors and experienced, published authors, so it’s not a stretch to say this information will give you a shortcut to your own success as a novelist by several years or even a decade.

"How to Write a Killer Outline
for Your Novel
"At Last, You Can Have The Tools & Techniques Published Novelists Use To Write Best-Selling Novels"

Here’s what you’ll learn in “How to Write a Killer Outline for Your

  • A hybrid writing method that allows for a strong outline, as well as more than enough blanks to fill in for powerful spontaneity (p.13)
  • Six ways to improve the standard outline… including a way to makes your characters more vivid and real (p.17)
  • Why having a “killer” outline actually gives writers MORE freedom, letting you tell a great story in a self-assured, confident way! (p.3)
  • How to use the classic “three act outline” in a variety of ways for compelling storytelling (p.5)
  • A technique to “see” a scene and bring it to life (p.21)
  • Timely tips for keeping your story engaging (p.6)
  • Why changing your attitude about outlining could affect your feelings about writing in general (p.23)
  • A sneaky way to keep the middle of your novel interesting – and keep your readers guessing! (p.6)
  • When you should start with the sequel – and how it helps inform your understanding of the main character (p.21)
  • Tips to keep your novel surprising even yourself (p.7)
  • How to send your readers off happy, sad, and eager for more – all at the same time! (p.8)
  • Why “pantsing” may seem like the way famous novelists write (though it’s not), and the secret technique that combines both preparation and inspiration for maximum effect (p.9)
  • All about “variables” and how to employ them to make your characters more fascinating (p.14)
  • A simple method for making your climax more satisfying (p.18)
  • Why starting with the end can improve both the beginning and middle of your novel (p.20)
  • And more...
Plus, to help you absorb this information faster, you’re also getting an audiobook version of this information you can listen to in the car, on a walk, or anywhere else! This means you’re getting both a digital ebook and MP3 audio set of a whopping 22 audio files, including:
  • ● Plotting by the seat of your pants
  • ● The hybrid method
  • ● The takeaway
  • ● Six ways to improve the standard outline
  • ● Start with the end
  • ● Write the sequel
  • ● ...And many more!
So there it is.
The result of years of research, study, and practice you can benefit from immediately.

How to Write a Killer Outline for Your Novel 
"The Greatest Guarantee
in the Writing World"
Try the “How to Write a Killer Outline for Your Novel” course today.
See for yourself how it can help your writing.
Put this intensive information to use through an entire year.
And if within that time, you haven’t found your ability to write a great novel improve, send me an email and I’ll immediately send you a full-refund, no questions asked.
No tricks here – I just want you to be happy.
There’s no need for you to keep a daily log or show me your outline. In fact, there’s no fine print or hoops to jump through at all.
I will take your word that, by getting the “How to Write a Killer Outline for Your Novel” course, you’re serious about becoming a real novelist and publishing the novel you’ve always dreamed of.

"Here’s What You Need to Do"
Click the “Buy” button below.
You’ll then be taken to a secure payment page where you can use either your credit card or PayPal account to pay.
All payments are 100% secured, and your data is encrypted through each step of the process.
Once your payment is complete, you’ll get a confirmation email with details on how to log into the member’s area and access your course.
Then you begin at your own pace, going as fast or slow as you want.
That’s it.
But don’t wait too long, because…

This Special Offer Is Available To Our Email Subscribers For The Next 72 Hours ONLY
This is the first time we are launching this course.
Because you have been subscribed to our mailing list, you get 50% of the full price.
This our way of saying “thank you” for sticking with us.
However, this offer is time limited because we intend to launch it, at full price, on our main website as soon as we have enough feedback from our subscribers.
Once we get enough info, we are launching it officially at the full price of [PRICE].
So once again, think about what this course will do for you: your freelance writing career… your free time… your personal life… your friends and family.
Imagine how it would feel, three months from now, to finally have finished your novel and know you’re well on your way to publishing your next book… because of the decision you made to buy this course and apply the information inside.
So go ahead and click the buy button below.
The real writer’s life is right around the corner.

Lastly, we would like to thank you for taking the time to read through the end.
In a world where everyone and everything is fighting for your attention, this is a remarkable thing indeed. It shows that you’re committed to becoming a real novelist and take your craft seriously.
If you have any questions about the course, don’t hesitate to contact us at support@writerslife.org
We try to answer all emails within 48 hours.
To your success,
David Steel - WritersLife.org
P.S. What you’re getting here is a complete, knowledge-packed course on outlining your novel, taking you from the beginning to end on what you need to know to properly outline your novel and overcome anything holding you back from telling a great story.
The 1 year guarantee is how confident I am that this course will dramatically change your writing… and your life.
P.P.S. Once the 72 hours are up, we are taking the offer down and introducing it at the full price on our main site, no exceptions.

Grab Your Copy Of
How to Write a Killer Outline
for Your Novel 
Now For Only $7 - LIMITED TIME!
30 Day No Questions Asked Guarantee!
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P.S. - if you're skimming and just wanted to see what the offer was... for just $7, you're getting Russell's "Funnelology 101" course - and the blueprint for a funnel that's currently making him $500k per month. 
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